Hey Ladies: Charles Manson Lets Marriage License Expire

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Hey girl, if murderous geriatric sociopathy is your thing (no judgment), you’ve still got a shot: Charles Manson and his fiancee, Afton Elaine “Star” Burton, have allowed their marriage license to lapse without getting hitched.

Manson recently celebrated his 80th birthday behind the walls of Corcoran State Prison. Burton, 27, has served as his main conduit to the outside world since 2007, when she moved to Corcoran to be near him. An astonishing 2013 Rolling Stone profile detailed their relationship, which began in letters; she also maintains his various websites, says mildly nasty things about the Manson Family’s most famous victim, Sharon Tate (“Sharon Tate wasn’t a movie star. Even now, nobody’s ever really heard of her, even though she supposedly got killed by Charlie Manson, the most famous guy in the world”) and cut an X in her forehead to match Manson’s decorative swastika.

The couple applied for a marriage license on November 7. But it’s been clear for a while that Manson might not be marriage material; besides the whole masterminding some of the most notorious murders in American history thing, there’s the part of the RS profile where he told reporter Erik Hedegaard, referring to the engagement, “That’s a bunch of garbage. You know that, man. That’s trash. We’re just playing that for public consumption.” And now, the L.A. Times reports, the marriage license will expire Thursday. Corcoran State’s weddings take place on the weekends, meaning it would’ve needed to happen already.

Burton has yet to make any kind of comment on the non-wedding through the various Manson fan sites she now runs, including Manson Direct and ATWAR. But Star is still going by the last name Manson on Facebook, as she has for a while, and her profile still lists her as “engaged.” And Manson’s son Matthew Roberts recently claimed that the old man was trying to smuggle his semen out of prison in order to impregnate Star. Because romance is alive and well.

Image via AP/California Department of Corrections

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